git flow tag version tips

In a Git Flow-based workflow, the decision to increase the version number in a tag (e.g., vX.Y.Z) typically depends on the type of change that is being tagged. Here are common scenarios for increasing the version number:

  1. Major Version (X): Increase the major version number (X) when you make incompatible or significant changes that may require users to update or adapt their code.
    • Examples:
      • Breaking changes that require code modifications in dependent projects.
      • Major feature additions or architectural changes.
      • Any change that fundamentally alters the behavior or API of the software.
    • Convention: vX.0.0 (e.g., v2.0.0).
  2. Minor Version (Y): Increase the minor version number (Y) when you add new features or functionalities that are backward-compatible with existing code.
    • Examples:
      • Adding new features that don’t break existing functionality.
      • Enhancements or improvements to existing features.
      • Non-breaking changes that provide additional functionality.
    • Convention: vX.Y.0 (e.g., v2.1.0).
  3. Patch Version (Z): Increase the patch version number (Z) for backward-compatible bug fixes, patches, or minor updates that do not introduce new features.
    • Examples:
      • Bug fixes that resolve issues without changing existing features.
      • Minor updates that improve stability or performance.
      • Documentation updates or minor code refactoring.
    • Convention: vX.Y.Z (e.g., v2.1.1).
When deciding to increase the version number, it’s important to follow semantic versioning (SemVer) principles, which help communicate the nature of changes to users and developers. SemVer consists of three parts: major, minor, and patch versions, separated by dots (e.g., 2.1.0). These conventions make it clear whether a change is significant (major), introduces new features (minor), or provides fixes (patch). Additionally, automated build and release processes can help ensure that version numbers are incremented correctly based on the type of change made in the codebase. Tools like npm for JavaScript projects or CI/CD pipelines can assist in managing versioning.

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